This list is going to be the toughest yet, I am going to give it a try . Music is one with soul , nature and hence everything can be related to with the sound of music . I have very strong opinions about what people should do, especially when it comes to music. So, below is a list of 10 songs I think that everyone should listen to at least once.
Nr 10. Tom Rosenthal – Go Solo
Shot on the serene train journey between Oslo and Bergen, the rolling mountains provide a backdrop to an enchanting song about traveling to the people you love. The bittersweet video is filled with solitude, but contentment at the knowledge that you’ll be home soon.
This songs can make you feel that sometimes you have to make the change not your doctor not your therapist ,YOU make the change!
Nr 9. Camila Cabello – I Have Questions
“I started writing (it) in a hotel bathroom on tour a little over a year ago. I was completely broken during that time, I was in the kind of pain that’s uncomfortable to talk about, and it was the kind of chapter you never want to read out loud.” Camila said!
Camila wrote the song while she was still touring with her then-group Fifth Harmony. It was the first song she created for the album, inspiring the direction of the project that was then called The Hurting. The Healing. The Loving. According to her, this was the first step of the album — being “The Hurting” part. However, it was later removed from the final track listing after the album’s re-imagination. The song was the first chapter of her story. She considers it as “the kind of chapter you never want to read out loud”.
Nr 8. One Direction – What a Feeling
Liam described the song as one of his favorites, saying “That is one of the songs that just gives you kind of a completely different flavor to maybe what you’re used to”. Niall’s voice in this song is beautiful, it really beings out the emotion in the song and it gives you butterflies every time!
Nr 7. Imagine Dragons – Birds
I think that the overall meaning of this song is that “Love will never die”. You can count on that. The song have a beautiful message under the words… in Rock in Rio 2019, Dan says that this song is about his best friend who has committed suicide, and about losing someone you love.
Nr 6. 5 Seconds Of Summer – Lie To Me
“Lie to Me” is a story relayed from the perspective of a person, specifically a man, who is a participant in an imperfect romance. According to the band, the song is about investing yourself in a relationship and the heartbreak that ensues when comparable love is not reciprocated. This may be the result of the lovers participating in the union for different reasons. But this track is sung by the person who appears to be the loser in the deal, as in the one who is actually in love.
Nr 5. Ed Sheeran – Small Bump
Ed himself has said that this song is based on a friend of his losing her child in the fifth month of pregnancy. Ed Sheeran is simply…. Amazing. His lyrics touch our souls and emotions. This song touches the thousands of parents who lost a child during their pregnancy.
Nr 4. Billie Eilish – Six Feet Under
Billie said about the song: “I’m young and I’ve been through stuff, and I’m sure I haven’t been through the amount of stuff as someone older than me. But, you know, everyone goes through it, and I think a lot of people don’t really have a way of getting out their feelings. What’s so great about being an artist is that I can just take all of the anger and all of the longing and despair, and I can just write it down and sing it.
Nr 3. Shawn Mendes – Never Be Alone
Never Be Alone has a great meaning. It saying how you can t spend as much time as you like with the people you love. For Shawn, it s a huge deal since hes always traveling to different states. This song is a way of saying, I ll be there soon. Don t worry, I m just far away, not gone. You ll see me soon. It s a great song with an amazing meaning to it
Nr.2. twenty one pilots: Car Radio
This whole song is about find out who you are. Sitting alone in a room thinking about life battling the voices in your head.