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Songs that just needs more attention from the world? GOOD SONGS !

I know that there are many good songs around the world and worth listening to .Some may be about happiness, some may be about love, and some may be about sad stories! Now I will post some songs that are really worth listening to, this is just my opinion, hope there are comments if you really have any suggestions. ENJOY IT


20. Zayn – There You Are!

 This song could be interpreted in a lot of ways. I’m not familiar with him in general, but it sounds like the song could be religious. Great song and lyrics! That song is so so special for me , just everytime when I listen to it , always will keep remember one of my best memories..!


19.Taylor Swift – Lover!

While listening to this I feel like I’m in a relationship when I don’t even have a boyfriend! This song is nostalgic, it makes me feel being into past with someone I once loved the most.

Do the rooms in the music video signify anything? Yes! Fans have come up with the idea below, that every room represents one of Taylor’s Eras!


18.Eldar Kedem – Present Moment

its hard to find this song, listening on the loop… it just makes each sense of emotion alive.



17.Cavetown – This Is Home!

Message from this song: I’m invisible. I’m alone. I’m lost. But I’m going to survive.when you feel happy, you enjoy the song. when you feel sad, you understand the song.


16.Peter Manos – In My Head!

He sounds like a combo of Zayn Malik and James Arthur! This song can also be interpreted as a monologue to oneself. “You have a different face to me”. The feeling when you look in the mirror, and don’t feel like the same person you used to be anymore, and wonder what happened to the person you once were.


15.Ed Sheeran – Touch and Go!

This song reminds me of Runaway and I love Runaway,This track features on the Wembley Edition of ‘x’.




14.Alec Benjamin – If I Killed Someone For You!

Alec couldn’t hurt anyone but himself I swear I can just imagine him accidentally hitting a fly and saying sorry to it!

I just realized the part where it says “I tell her that it’s me but she doesn’t recognize” Does that contribute to the plot twist. he changed himself for her, but when he goes to tell her he is so different she can no longer recognize him?

like how alec can go from singing about killing somebody and then about doing somebody’s homework. what’s even crazier is that they both have equally as important messages (annabelle’s homework might even have a more important message imo)



13.Isak Danielson – Broken!

Its so painful to be in love with someone that deep inside you know dosen’t love you back but dont feel strong enough to leave and use any excuse or gesture of kindness to hang on to the hope that someday this person will make up their mind and realize how much you mean to them….


12.MIIA – Dynasty

“The scars I can’t reverse.” Damn….. That hit hard. Especially for someone who’s almost gone through with suicide and who cuts theirself often…… Those cuts never really go away… Just turn into reminders of regret and sadness


11.Bebe Rexha – Not 20 Anymore!

This song is so underrated and under appreciated. It’s great to see uplifting music being released in today’s day and age, it’s really depressing how far the world has fallen in the last 25-30 years.


10.SHAED x ZAYN – Trampoline

Why this song is so underrated, Honestly, this is exactly the best song i’ve heard this year! Can we just thank the Shaed for this song that she made? I mean Zayn is cool and all that but I feel like she doesn’t get enough credit.


9.Ali Gatie – It’s You

Ali gatie is a mix of xxxtentacion and justin bieber with a touch of khalid and the voice of an angel! Amazing song Ali Gatie, this is my favourite song of 2020, i first heard it on new years day and now its on the top of my favourite song list! like if you agree with my comment or like if your in 2020 and listening to this song, thank you Ali Gatie for making this song its really good and i mean that, this video got 98,923,609 VIEWS, so this song must be amazing if it has that much views, well done! Keep the great work up!


8.Alec Benjamin – Let Me Down Slowly!

I have depression and this song is basically my life but I wish the best for the stranger that maybe finds this.


7.Trevor Daniel – Falling!

I still remember a few months back when he put a story on Instagram saying he’s taking a break from making music bcz he’s not making good money off of it. so glad to see such talent finally get recognised. all the support!


6.Kina – get you the moon (ft Snow)

I gave my heart to too many people. it broke down into billions of pieces but i found the one true “love”.


5.Mike Posner – Move On!

Mike Posner catalogs two years of tragic events but resolves to fight through his grief in new single “Move On.”
The instrumentation is sunny: firm strums on guitar, a disco bass line, a resolute four-on-the-floor beat. But the “Move On” video contains footage of Posner’s father, who died after battling brain cancer, and the producer Avicii, Posner’s friend and collaborator, who committed suicide in 2018!

I hope everyone can let the past behind and have a great coming year!


4.Anne-Marie & James Arthur – Rewrite The Stars !

Am I The Only One Who Thinks Anne nd James are Looking Adorable Together❤


3.Niall Horan – This Town!

Niall truly sounds beautiful alone. He’s never sung like this in one direction songs!

‘Things never change in this old town’ is the reason for the strong fear of publicly showing any affection. In the town where he lives, everybody is very “traditional” and us such unaccepting of same-sex relationships.


2.Chord Overstreet – Hold On!

Dear stranger whoever reads this: may yours parents live over 100 years.

The Scary thing about depression is that the people who have it are the best at hiding it.

Singing this song to your Girlfriend or boyfriend who went to another country and after 9 months you both met again and crying while hugging!


1.Zayn – Good Years!

Am i the only one who thinks the high notes in the chorus sound like louis?

He definitely didn’t waste all his good years!! This songs hit the spot perfectly.