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Top 5 Most Awkward Celeb Encounters

5.Ariana Grande smacked by a wing during Victoria’s Secret Fashion …

Seeing the funny side though, Ariana tweeted after: ‘a Victoria’s Secret angel accidentally smacked me in the face with her wings and it was awesome #Arianagrande …

4.Leonardo DiCaprio’s Reaction to Lady Gaga’s

His reaction: He wasnt laughting of her that´s clear. He made that face because he realized she might have tought he was laughting at her and that she was pissed with him for something. Just it. Anyone with a little bit of observation can realize he is not looking or laghting of Gaga.

3.Nicole Kidman Kisses Co-Star Alexander Skargard In Front Of Husband Keith Urban

I love how Keith just applauds them kissing lmao. But in all honesty, if Nicole was having an affair, she wouldn’t kiss the man right in front of her husband. If anything, shows how confident they are in their relationship. Keith didn’t seem threatened at all.

2.Gigi Handid hugs everyone in One Direction but Harry Style

Despite hugging Harry’s bandmates Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne, she awkwardly shook the former’s hand instead.Maybe too old to said this, but Gigi just awkward for the situation she surprised that she invited join w the boys, after Harry shake hand then she realized the boys welcome to her. Harry in a cool way even touch her hand to say goodbye and Gigi smiles to harry give code that she appriciate of harry treat her politely.. no probs with Harry for not get hugs from her, nothing happens w they all. IT’S JUST MEDIA’S DRAMA

1.Why Drake Hated Kissing Madonna

Thats sexual harassment. If Madonna were a man, everyone would call it sexual harassment. She’s not doing it for feminism, she is doing it for attention. She is a fake feminist, she doesnt respect people’s rights and harasses people. Ugh